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Cardiologie Erasmus MC

PhD position to study therapy response in the context of ageing immune cells and the liver-specific metastasis environment

Standard of care therapy responses of prostate and breast cancer liver metastasis.
  • Closing date 23-10-2024
  • 39.16.24.TDdH
  • 36 hours
  • Research university
  • Research & Education
  • Closing date 23-10-2024
  • 39.16.24.TDdH

Job description

Mac4Me (Macrophage Targets for Metastatic Treatment) is a pan-European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network (DC) aimed at understanding the specific tumour cell-immune host interactions at the metastatic site to identify new immune targets. Mac4Me will use animal-free organ-on-chip (OoC) systems to recapitulate early liver, bone and brain metastasis of cancer developing across our life, such as neuroblastoma, breast and prostate cancer. Data from these preclinical models will be integrated with real-world clinical data using AI approaches to identify new immune targets. Mac4Me offers a unique and innovative research training programme comprising both scientific knowledge and transferable skills and integrating participatory science principles as a starting point. 
At Erasmus MC, the candidate will focus on the therapy response of prostate- and breast cancer cells to Standard of Care (SoC) therapies in the context of age-relevant and liver-specific microenvironment. In collaboration with our Mac4Me partners efficacy of SOC and combinations with novel macrophage targeting approaches will be tested in the OoC liver model. The PhD candidate will work in close collaboration with other Mac4Me candidates working on the therapy responses in bone metastasis in Germany. Intensive collaboration and short-stay research visits to our partners in the UK, Germany and France are planned as an integral part of the project. The research will be complemented with a multidisciplinary educational agenda shared by all Mac4Me candidates.

Work environment

The Erasmus MC is an internationally recognized centre for high-quality, compassionate care, highly rated transfer of knowledge and high-quality knowledge development in the fields of illness and health. The Mac4Me consortium consists of European, Australian and US academic and private sector research groups from across Europe and will offer a dedicated training programme for all its 18 doctoral candidates with frequent meetings and workshops, and yearly secondments to different partners. 

The candidate will be a member of the van Weerden lab at the Experimental Urological Oncology research group of the Department of Urology. The candidate will work within a research team that comprises researchers and technicians dedicated to prostate cancer research, but with ample collaborations with clinicians and researchers on other cancer types, such as breast cancer.

Qualifications and skills

You are a highly motivated international candidate with a university MSc degree. At the time of recruitment, you must not have resided or carried out your main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the Netherlands for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to recruitment. You have received excellent scientific training in the field of Biomedical Sciences, Medicine or a related field.  

A successful candidate will have an interest in the molecular biology of (prostate and breast) cancer and macrophages. Experience with (3D) cell culture techniques will be considered a strength. Our potential new colleague should have outstanding theoretical and experimental research skills, and a pronounced team spirit. A strong command of (scientific) English in speech and writing is essential. A certificate of conduct from the candidate is a condition for the appointment.

Before you apply please check our conditions for employment.

Terms of employment

  • You will receive a temporary position for 4 years.
  • The gross monthly salary is € 3.017,- in the 1st year and increases to € 3.824,- in the 4th year (scale OIO). 
  • excellent fringe benefits, such as a 13th month that is already paid out in November and an individual travel expense package.
  • An International Office which aids you in preparing for you arrival and stay.
  • Pension insurance with ABP, we take care of 70% of the monthly contribution.
  • Special benefits, such as an in-company physiotherapist and bicycle repairer. There is also a gym where you can work on your fitness after work.

More information

For more information about this position, please contact Wytske M. van Weerden, Associate Professor and coordinator of Mac4Me , +316 131 190 18.

If you are excited by the thought of this position and would like to apply, please do so by using the application form on our website.

No agencies please.

Application proces

Application proces



Step 1 - Apply

Did we get you excited about this position? Submit your application through the application button. You will receive a confirmation of receipt from our recruiter right away.



Step 2 - Selection

Based on your application, we check to see if there is a fit between us. We will let you know as soon as possible whether you are invited for an interview.


Job interview

Step 3 - Job interview

You have been invited for an interview, great! In this first meeting we get to know each other and see if You can form an idea of the position, the department and Erasmus MC. If the interview goes well usually a second interview follows.


Offer and terms of employment

Step 4 - Offer and terms of employment

It’s a match! Your future manager will discuss your salary and employment with you. You will also receive more information about our other terms of employment.


Getting started

Step 5 - Getting started

Your first working day has come! We are more than happy to have you. Your new department will give you a warm welcome and provide you with all the information you need. Enjoy your job at Erasmus MC!

Contact me

Donja Grootscholten

Donja Grootscholten, recruiter, Erasmus MC
Erasmus MC

Pioneering, pushing boundaries and leading: in healthcare, education and research

Erasmus MC is an international leading academic hospital in Rotterdam. We are recognized as a world-class scientific research organization aiming to improve our understanding of diseases and disorders and helps to predict, treat and prevent them. We have access to the latest equipment and techniques. A working environment that gets the best out of people.

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Apply for PhD position to study therapy response in the context of ageing immune cells and the liver-specific metastasis environment