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PhD student (Promovendus) Cardiovascular Epidemiology

Cardiovascular risk prediction and prevention
  • Closing date 17-03-2025
  • 599
  • 36 hours
  • Research university
  • Research & Education
  • Closing date 17-03-2025
  • 599

Job description

The burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) on society is huge with >85 million people affected in Europe. The overall prevalence continues to grow due to unhealthy lifestyles and population aging. Heart failure (HF) is the final common pathway of all CVD and has a 5 year mortality rate of 20-50% despite significant advances in therapy. Currently, few biomarkers exist that can indicate risk of CVD, in particular HF. Within the context of a large international consortium, we aim to improve prediction and prevention of HF. Our aim is to better classify and mitigate the risk of CVD, in particular HF. Through access to large population-based cohorts data, we seek to identify novel omics and non-omics markers and apply traditional statistical methods as well as artificial intelligence-based modeling to better stratify the risk and tailor prevention strategies. 

This project is a unique opportunity for someone seeking experience to work with a large collection of epidemiological datasets. The successful candidate will be working at the Department of Epidemiology and will be responsible for data collection, setting up new studies, analyses of large-scale datasets (also including genomic and proteomic datasets), and writing internationally peer-reviewed publications. This will result in an academic dissertation to obtain PhD degree.  

Work environment

At Erasmus MC we work hard to improve the care of today and the health of tomorrow. Pioneering, pushing boundaries and leading the way in research, education and care. We work with the latest equipment, techniques and care processes in a state-of-the-art building.

The candidate will be appointed at the department of Epidemiology and will work within the Cardiometabolic Epidemiology research line (prof. M. Kavousi). The department of Epidemiology is one of the world leading academic centers in Epidemiology. The department also hosts the Rotterdam Study: a unique long-term population study, which started in 1990 and currently follows more than 18,000 people aged 40 and older. The data collection within the study includes longitudinal data collected from questionnaires, extensive in-person measurements at the research center and advanced molecular and imaging data. The PhD candidate will work with the Rotterdam Study data within the context of an international consortium. There will be collaboration with data scientists, and (physician) researchers in the consortium. During her/his PhD, the PhD candidate will have the opportunity to follow relevant courses.  

Qualifications and skills

  • The candidate must have a relevant background in Epidemiology, Health Sciences, Basic Science, Data Science, and/or Medicine.
  • Advance written and communication skills in English is necessary.
  • Having practical experience in (big) data analyses, omics approaches, or a Medical degree is a plus. 

Before you apply please check our conditions for employment.

Terms of employment

  • You will receive a temporary position for 4 years. 
  • The gross monthly salary is € 3.017,- in the 1st year and increases to € 3.824,- in the 4th year (scale OIO). In case of a Medical degree, the salary amounts a minimum of € 3.493,- and a maximum of € 5.504,- (scale 10).
  • Excellent fringe benefits, such as a 13th month that is already paid out in November and a individual travel expense package. 
  • An International Office which aids you in preparing for you arrival and stay. 
  • Pension insurance with ABP. We take care of approximately 2/3 of the monthly contribution. 
  • Special benefits, such as an in company physiotherapist and bicycle repairer. And there is also a gym where you can work on your fitness after work. 

More information

For more informaton about this positon, please contact prof. dr. Maryam Kavousi, professor of Population Cardiovascular Health, PI Cardiovascular Epidemiology, via

No agencies please.

Application proces

Application proces



Step 1 - Apply

Did we get you excited about this position? Submit your application through the application button. You will receive a confirmation of receipt from our recruiter right away.



Step 2 - Selection

Based on your application, we check to see if there is a fit between us. We will let you know as soon as possible whether you are invited for an interview.


Job interview

Step 3 - Job interview

You have been invited for an interview, great! In this first meeting we get to know each other and see if You can form an idea of the position, the department and Erasmus MC. If the interview goes well usually a second interview follows.


Offer and terms of employment

Step 4 - Offer and terms of employment

It’s a match! Your future manager will discuss your salary and employment with you. You will also receive more information about our other terms of employment.


Getting started

Step 5 - Getting started

Your first working day has come! We are more than happy to have you. Your new department will give you a warm welcome and provide you with all the information you need. Enjoy your job at Erasmus MC!

Olivia Lindner, recruiter Erasmus MC

Learn more?

Olivia Lindner Recruiter
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Erasmus MC is an international leading academic hospital in Rotterdam. We are recognized as a world-class scientific research organization aiming to improve our understanding of diseases and disorders and helps to predict, treat and prevent them. We have access to the latest equipment and techniques. A working environment that gets the best out of people.

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